Seasonal Grids
Seasonal Grids
Bershka, during COVID times, was performing extremely well as per share % of revenue as any other e-commerce platform, when I was just arrived in the middle of this impressive event, which led to our company to put their attention fixed mainly on the webshop, either women or men's collections, where the business goal was to increase sales at highest rate and working on a curated digital image as qualitative as possible in the shortest period of time.
Reactivity at its fullest.
Problem statement
How to convert all that high increased traffic coming from closed stores to online sales?
Avoid online VS offline shopping gap.
Create engagement and gain on consumer trust through a smooth online purchase for long term purposes.
Maintain and hype up brand image through product presentation.
Cross functional team work.
Very efficient and ease to create actions per weekly management & maintenance.
Bershka, during COVID times, was performing extremely well as per share % of revenue as any other e-commerce platform, when I was just arrived in the middle of this impressive event, which led to our company to put their attention fixed mainly on the webshop, either women or men's collections, where the business goal was to increase sales at highest rate and working on a curated digital image as qualitative as possible in the shortest period of time.
Reactivity at its fullest.
Problem statement
How to convert all that high increased traffic coming from closed stores to online sales?
Avoid online VS offline shopping gap.
Create engagement and gain on consumer trust through a smooth online purchase for long term purposes.
Maintain and hype up brand image through product presentation.
Cross functional team work.
Very efficient and ease to create actions per weekly management & maintenance.

Research findings
I reviewed our traffic reports in the search of something meaningful or out of the charts, and by my surprise, despite the month to date traffic peaks before Corona, I started to notice that due to our young users, it was very likely to find 'viral terms' thrown in the search engine that showed user interests.
Not only that, but many of the products suggested, didn't really match with the user interest, and only some key items, normally limited editions or very seasonal products, were sold out.
So, as a recap: Very confused traffic, few items were sold out, and there was no cohesion between image and product presentation.
Problem solving
It was very clear we needed to invest on sharing internally what were our collection messages, and what was viral on social media, that had the most impact due to curfews and social limitations.
To promote sales online without losing image message, we aimed to create especial product categories with very clear concepts or messages, collaborating with Studio & Content team, to create editorial or concept visuals and content as such.
That's how it all started.
We started launching on men's department with trousers as focus, continue with some seasonal grids as Summer Vibes, followed by events such as Halloween, Holiday Season, Cargo & Parachute, etc.
Research findings
I reviewed our traffic reports in the search of something meaningful or out of the charts, and by my surprise, despite the month to date traffic peaks before Corona, I started to notice that due to our young users, it was very likely to find 'viral terms' thrown in the search engine that showed user interests.
Not only that, but many of the products suggested, didn't really match with the user interest, and only some key items, normally limited editions or very seasonal products, were sold out.
So, as a recap: Very confused traffic, few items were sold out, and there was no cohesion between image and product presentation.
Problem solving
It was very clear we needed to invest on sharing internally what were our collection messages, and what was viral on social media, that had the most impact due to curfews and social limitations.
To promote sales online without losing image message, we aimed to create especial product categories with very clear concepts or messages, collaborating with Studio & Content team, to create editorial or concept visuals and content as such.
That's how it all started.
We started launching on men's department with trousers as focus, continue with some seasonal grids as Summer Vibes, followed by events such as Halloween, Holiday Season, Cargo & Parachute, etc.
Once these Seasonal Grids were launched, we would keep track on our revenue & traffic reports on monthly & weekly basis, that would tell us how would we be performing in terms of sales (ATC, CVR, product views) and determine if they were a success or not.
Our goal was to convert all traffic and avoid residual to get lost among product categories.
To give a rough idea of what were our key results:
Summer vibes
Traffic +21%
Sales +17% - Sold out twinsets & Basic swimwear.
Cargo & Parachute
Traffic +32%
Sales +22% - Parachute fit went viral on SoMe.
Traffic +27%
Sales +12% - Trousers (cargo and tailored) were sold out twice globally.
*Data collected month to launch date.
Maintenance and iteration was under my responsibility, mainly at men's section.
Depending on CTR, sales per unit, page views or even stock, I would adapt grids and its composition consequentially, per region and without losing brand image, commercial push or concept.
In case of a flop, or a sold out success, we would and maintain those categories by region or even create specific ones: Dia de Muertos, Singles Day, Eid, etc.
Once these Seasonal Grids were launched, we would keep track on our revenue & traffic reports on monthly & weekly basis, that would tell us how would we be performing in terms of sales (ATC, CVR, product views) and determine if they were a success or not.
Our goal was to convert all traffic and avoid residual to get lost among product categories.
To give a rough idea of what were our key results:
Summer vibes
Traffic +21%
Sales +17% - Sold out twinsets & Basic swimwear.
Cargo & Parachute
Traffic +32%
Sales +22% - Parachute fit went viral on SoMe.
Traffic +27%
Sales +12% - Trousers (cargo and tailored) were sold out twice globally.
*Data collected month to launch date.
Maintenance and iteration was under my responsibility, mainly at men's section.
Depending on CTR, sales per unit, page views or even stock, I would adapt grids and its composition consequentially, per region and without losing brand image, commercial push or concept.
In case of a flop, or a sold out success, we would and maintain those categories by region or even create specific ones: Dia de Muertos, Singles Day, Eid, etc.